Well someone told me that once Raegan turns 3 months old she is no longer considered a newborn. So sad, but so exciting as well. I can't believe she is 3 months old today! Time definitely is flying by. She is absolutely amazing and keeps us entertained every day. I'd like to say that she is getting really big, but even though she's not considered a "newborn" she's still holding on to those newborn clothes. She's just about to grow out of them, but most of them still fit. It's nice for me because we received so many newborn size clothes for the shower and I don't have the next size! Guess I have to hit the stores and start shopping. Darn!
So this month we have had Raegan on the move! She is a big socialite and loves, loves, loves to be out of the house. So much so that she is a much happier baby out of the house and lets us know by screaming while at home :) It's joyful and definitely makes our neighbors happy! She has been out to the beach, on some nature walks in the area, a few restaurants and lots of friend's houses. We have loved the fact that Raegan does so well out and about so that we don't have to completely give up our lives.
The best part about this month is all the smiles and now all the talking! Raegan blessed us with her first giggle and ever since, we've been dancing around making funny faces to try to get her to do it again! She will someday, but until then she is all smiles and coos. The other day she "talked" for almost a half hour! Adorable!
And this month Hayden purchased a nice camera, so the pictures are plentiful!! Check out all of Raegan's antics this month. Enjoy!
Amazingly the weather here in San Diego is much better during the winter than it was the entire summer. So on a nice afternoon in the mid seventies, we decided to take a stroll down to the beach and introduce Raegan to the sand and the ocean for the first time. She was passed out the entire walk, but being the determined parents we are (or mean spirited), we woke her up and made her play for some serious photo opps! And along the way we found a small soccer ball which made for Raegan's first soccer pix. We absolutely love these photos and Raegan didn't cry at all...guess she'll be a beach lover like her parents!

View more photos of Raegan's beach visit at http://www.flickr.com/photos/raegankelly/sets/72157625830026581/