Here is a video of her crawling to daddy!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
And We're Crawling...
It's official, little Miss Raegan is now a crawler! She started out on Thursday morning the 28th with just a few crawl "steps" and by the end of the day she was movin' all around! I do think that she still enjoys staying put, but now she knows if she really wants to get somewhere she can get there herself. She does however, love to pull up and stand on things, so I don't think walking is too far off, but I'm crossing my fingers that she isn't an early walker.
Here is a video of her crawling to daddy!!
Here is a video of her crawling to daddy!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Busy Bee at 8 Months!
Oh my goodness has this been a busy month for Miss Raegan!! She has become an active little thing and doing something new every day! It makes for great entertainment to watch her learn something new. She likes to study what we do and by the next day she's doing her new trick. I didn't know she was capable of this and quickly learned so when I was playing with her by sticking my tongue out and the next day that was all she would do!! It was adorable and unfortunately never got caught on camera or video :( And as most kids do, she will not repeat it on demand now. I'll catch it one day.
Along with her new tongue trick, little Miss Raegan is giving kisses, clapping her hands, waving bye-bye and standing and walking around furniture. She has pretty much lost interest in trying to learn how to crawl and just wants to stand and "cruise" around all the time. Although when she is on the floor she rolls all over the room to get around. I'm also determined to get her to say "mama" and have gotten babbles that could easily be interpreted as mama, but could also be gibberish. I'm going with "mama" :) There's a video on her photo link so you can judge for yourself!
This month was also Raegan's first trip camping. She had a lot of fun and was such a good baby!! She has also made lots of new friends in our mom group. Raegan thinks she is 2+ years old though and tries to run around with the big kids. I have to restrain her at the park. She has started to stand up on the park toys now and looks around at all the kids. She loves this and squeals the entire time. It's adorable!
We're excited to see what is next to come in her arsenal of tricks. She keeps us entertained every day and brings lots of smiles to our faces. Enjoy this month's photos and videos!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Happy Little Camper
Raegan is officially a camper! We took her on her first camping trip and she had a great time! Best of all - she slept very well!! Even better than at home, so now I'm thinking we may move into the motor-home permanently!! The camping trip was part of a family annual fishing derby and there was quite a big group. We had a lot of fun and Raegan won a t-shirt for being the youngest camper!! We're happy to know she enjoys camping since we have a trip coming up in August!

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