It's official...little Miss Raegan is on the move and is not slowing down anytime soon! We definitely have an active one on our hands and now that she knows she can get to where she wants to go, she is definitely doing so! She loves to crawl to her destination and pull herself up to stand. Her fav thing to do these days is stand at her toy box and pull all of her toys out - this is thanks to Grammy who taught her this fun game! I don't think the crawling thing will last much longer since she loves to stand and walk around furniture or walk holding our hands. Hopefully we won't have too early of a walker!!
This month has been much of the same for the little miss - she's active as can be, growing super fast and exploring the world around her. As our previous post states, she finally got some professional pictures taken - much to her dismay. But they turned out great! A big accomplishment this month is her first teeth! She now has two nice chompers on the bottom and I think the top will make their arrival shortly. Teething was not so much fun for her, but she made it through and now has some gorgeous pearly whites!
With these new teeth, she has also decided that she has just about had it with the mushy baby food and is ready for big girl food, so we've been introducing more foods and letting her feed herself. It's quite an adventure and takes twice as long to get through meals, but it's a lot of fun to see her try new things - especially ones she doesn't like!!
We're departing for Raegan's first camping & boating trip in a few days. We'll see how she likes that experience!! Enjoy this month's photos...we slacked on taking photos this month, so I crammed a month's worth of photos in one day - hence the same outfit she has on in most of the pix :)