Just like her mother, little Miss Raegan had a week long birthday celebration full of family and friends! She started her birthday off at Funtastic - a little tumbling gym for toddlers - with her buddy Ben and Uncle Boogs (Jonathan. I was worried how she would do since she didn't like the big bounce house place the week prior, but she LOVED it! She cruised around with her birthday crown on and definitely had a blast.
After her adventures tumbling, she got to open gifts from some of us and try her hand at diving into a cake. Much to all of our dismay she didn't care for the birthday song or her cake! We tried our best to get her to dive in, but nothing. She did however want the rest of us to taste it and kept trying to share. It was cute, but not all that messy! As the week continued, little Miss Raegan was showered with love from all kinds of family in town for the Thanksgiving holiday. She was timid at first, but definitely enjoyed all the attention ... and even more birthday gifts!! We also took the time to finally take some much needed professional photos of both Raegan for her 1st birthday and of us as a family. We're eager to get the photos in and share with everyone!
And to entertain all her family that was in town, we had a 2nd go at birthday cake. My Aunt Sharon made an adorable cake just for Raegan and this cake was much more acceptable to her and she wasn't as scared. Granted, she didn't tear into it as we would have all loved, but she did eat more of it. She apparently is a dainty little eater and there wasn't much mess to attend to. The 2nd go around was much more successful! 
Overall, little Miss Raegan had a wonderful 1st birthday. Thank you to everyone who showered her with love and made the trip up to see us!
It's official, little Miss Raegan is a year old! I can't freaking believe it. I look back and remember how scared I was for her arrival and how I had no idea how to deal with this little being and now she's a little person with a BIG personality! It's amazing how fast time flies and how much she has learned and grown. Raegan is definitely a precious one and has blessed us by being such a good baby. As scared as I was, I am so lucky to have gotten an easy one!!
This month - just as all the others - has been full of adventures for our little one. She has gotten much more active, which has made those chubby lil cheeks thin out a bit. I was hoping my chubby lil thighs would follow, but I'm still waiting. She has also tried out a few more words, but nothing that has made any sense except "dada," "uh-oh" and "yes". "Mama" or "Mommy" are not on her agenda for right now. Miss Raegan has also learned how to give hugs which is absolutely the most adorable thing in the freaking world! The coolest part about watching her learn is knowing that she understands things now. When I say something or ask a question, she really knows what is going on. It's amazing to watch and so fun to actually be able to interact more and more.
Raegan also got to experience the zoo for the first time. Since we always call her Monkey, we thought it was fitting to make her pose with her kind!! :) Luckily I have never visited the San Diego Zoo and had nothing to compare it to because apparently the SAC zoo is not too vast. But, for an 11 month old with a 15 minute attention span, it was perfect! Someday we'll take her to the "World Famous" San Diego Zoo!!
Again, I can't believe a year has gone by, but what a wonderful one it has been. I could never understand it when my friends talked about how fast it goes or how much love you can have for your child, but now (of course) I completely get it and can't get enough of her! I love this little person so much and I am like a little kid on Christmas Eve every night, anxious for what she will do the next day. Happy Birthday Little Miss Raegan - we love you so very much!!
Little Miss Raegan wasn't quite sure about her first Halloween, but we tried to make the most of it! We ventured out to Old Town Sacramento, which was nice for us to finally get out and see the town we live in! It's such a cute, quaint area with a lot of history. They had several businesses participating in the trick or treating activity, but because Miss Raegan is so young, she only made it to one shop. She was more interested in the bear outside the shop than the actual activity of trick or treating, which of course is to be expected. But, of course I can't miss out on a photo op!!
On actual Halloween, little Miss Raegan ventured out again in her costume much to her dismay. We joined the neighborhood kids and they just LOVED Raegan. They wanted to carry her around and take her to every house. And again, because she's so young, we only made it to 2-3 houses, but her new friends made sure they collected candy for her basket! It was so cute and probably more fun for us, but again, made for great pictures!!