This month, as all the others, was full of more adventures for Miss Raegan. We finally moved out of my parents house and got a nice house close by. It's definitely a step up from where we were in San Diego and validates why we moved up her. Raegan now has several play areas and a nice backyard to play in. We are all enjoying it! The move apparently was rough on Miss Raegan though and she came down with her first ever fever and rash. It was a scary moment for us since she has never really been sick before. We're lucky that it took 14 months for her first sickness, but it's still no fun no matter what. But of course she made it through and was back running around soon enough.
Miss Raegan is also getting a little more brave and starting to climb walls and anything else she can. I was worried at first because she was being so timid, but when she wants to, she will climb and scale any wall!! We also took another trip to Bakersfield this month and Raegan got to see her cousins Drew and Gracie. She had a blast playing with them and was a great traveler!
Miss Raegan is getting more and more fun every day and of course we are just enjoying every moment of it! Enjoy this month's photos and videos!