Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ball of Energy at 16 Months!

Well as with most months, this one surely flew by, but not without some great adventures for little Miss Raegan. I swear this month she has matured so much and is becoming such a big girl all of a sudden. Her vocabulary is growing, her energy is off the charts and she is more and more fun every day...minus the wonderful tantrums that have started!! :)

This month Raegan has enjoyed her new house and many playrooms more and more. I think I am too since I can now relax a little and let her run around and play without having to make sure she isn't into anything. And as I have said, she is definitely blossoming in the personality department and talking up a storm! New this month is "swimming" in the bath tub. Not sure where she learned this, but she is now an avid tub swimmer and loves it!

Raegan also got to enjoy her first fort
compliments of her dad of course! She loved crawling under the bean bags and coming out the other side. It was great entertainment and kept her busy for quite some time...which is something I try to do ALL day long! We also visited midtown Sacramento a few times this month and found that it reminds us a lot of the North Park area in San Diego, which is nice to have something similar around here.

Miss Raegan also enjoyed a visit from her Grandma and Grandpa Kelly and cousin Austen. She had so much fun playing with Austen and wore us all out! We took a trip to the Discovery Museum and Raegan took full advantage of the "hands-on" exhibits!

The big deal this month was our road trip adventure to San Diego!! Once I decided to make the trip I was completely consumed with the idea and could think of nothing else of course! I was a bit nervous about driving 10 hours with Raegan on my own, but we made the best of it! The best part of the drive is that we were able to break it up and see family along the way in Bakersfield, LA and Orange County. Raegan did fantastic on her trek through California and is a great traveler. Only downside of the whole trip was that she is no back to being addicted to her pacifier, but we'll work on that this month!

Miss Raegan certainly was a Miss Priss when it came to visiting the beach. Our first trip was with Frank in Ocean Beach and she wasn't quite sure what to do with the sand. She definitely hated having her hands sandy, which I can't blame her because I'm the same way. She finally warmed up and crashed a few sand castles and got sandy! And the best part was she left OB with a great t-shirt and some quality time with her Uncle!

Next up was a trip to Orange County to meet her new cousin Connor! Raegan practiced saying his name the whole way up, but could only get out what sounded like "Ca Ca" but hey it was something! She had a blast playing with Nolan and pointing at Connor and saying "baby". Raegan also enjoyed visiting her Great Grandparents and Aunt Kathy and rocking out on the organ!! :)

Back in San Diego, Raegan saw her other Great Grandma Betty, met a few other friends and was a trooper as we drug her around town to our favorite spots and to see more friends. She closed out the weekend with a farewell to San Diego brunch with all her cousins and a trip to the famous Bakersfield Dewar's Ice Cream Parlor for her first ice cream cone with her GG (Great Grandma Archer!).

Overall, the trip was a success, but we are all very tired and in need of some serious down time! It was great to see all the family and friends we have down south...but next trip will be in an airplane!! :)

Enjoy this month's photos and videos...