This month was very nice and relaxing for all of us and we didn't have as much activity as last month, so there are definitely less pictures to share. But as always, Miss Raegan did bless us with some keepers, so enjoy the pictures as much as we do.
Raegan continues to enjoy her daycare and comes home everyday with stories to share and unbelievable amount of energy to burn. I would think she'd be worn out, but NOPE! But it's so great to see all of the crafts she makes and to hear how she loves circle time. This month we bought her a new tricycle that she loved for about a day or two. It's a a great one since she'll be able to grow into it, but we hope she'll like using it more than she does now!
We also took a family adventure to Folsom Lake to rent a kayak and enjoy the lake with out the ski boat. It was gorgeous and now Hayden is obsessed and ready to go every day! We were a bit nervous about taking Raegan on the kayak, so for the first time we kept her on shore. Next go we'll get her out on the boat and see what she thinks...and if she likes it, we'll get her out on a stand up paddle board!
As Raegan grows up each day, she's surprising us with her acrobatics! We are to blame for some of her antics, but for some reason we feel it should be encouraged and will teach her not to be afraid! I'm sure we'll regret all of the practice we give her jumping off furniture and doing flips, etc. But for now, we're enjoying the excitement and how much she loves it. In fact, she surprised us with her ability to do a somersault and got the whole family doing them in the living room!! Grammy, Nono, Mommy, Daddy all had to take a few turns!
The absolute favorite part of this month for me - and my proudest mama moment yet - was little Miss Raegan taking over the dance floor at a local street fair. The video we took is a bit dark, but if you can see anything, you'll see how she was having the time of her life! And this little one danced for almost an hour doing her thing. It seems she enjoys dancing as much as me!
As always, we are enjoying every single second with Raegan and having the time of our lives. She amazes us every day and keeps us smiling. Enjoy this month's photos and videos!