This month has been a blast with Raegan! She is blossoming into a little lady right before our eyes and getting more and more independent each day. It's fun to see her "doing things herself" and trying new things. And with all of this comes a small dose of attitude and bossiness, but she's learning so it's a process. Overall though she's still a sweet little lady and keeps us entertained every day.
As with every month we have small little adventures that keep us on our toes. This month's adventure was a big trip for me and Hayden to Vermont for a wedding. And we decided to leave little Miss Raegan at home...for 5 days! I will admit that I went kicking and screaming the entire way to Vermont, but of course we all survived. Raegan received a present (or 50!) from Grammy and Nono every day we were gone, keeping her plenty entertained! And across the country, Hayden and I were busy catching up with all of our friends to have too much time to worry. So, it all went well and we all survived!
With Halloween just around the corner, we of course had to take Miss Raegan to a harvest festival! Our little one didn't care all that much about the Halloween activities - just the dancing! We decided to hang out at a restaurant by the festivities and little Miss Raegan insisted that someone take her dancing the entire time! So, we all took shifts and she was able to get her dance on. It's quite scary how similar this little person is to both me and Hayden already!

Just four weeks away from our little lady's 2nd birthday. We can't believe it! Enjoy this month's photos and videos and Raegan's last month as a 1 year old!