If you haven’t heard, the Kelly family is expanding! Baby #2 will be here in late January and we couldn’t be more excited…especially little Miss Raegan who says she has a “big sister” in her belly! We’re 13 weeks along and things are going smoothly.

Along with the big news of baby #2, we’ve had a busy month! Summer has arrived and we’ve taken full advantage of the weather and have had lots of fun. Too much if you ask me since little Miss Raegan now thinks life is a vacation and going back to daycare is not an option, but she’s getting back into the swing of things. First, we headed off on our annual lake vacation with the family and endured the 108 degree weather. It was a lot of fun and Raegan enjoyed the boat (as always) and all the time she spent with family! She got to see her Uncle Frankie and Kassie, “Aunt” Beth, her Grandma and Papa Kelly and best of all her cousin Austen – who fully entertained her for the weekend. I considered taking him home with us to entertain her daily! Despite all the fun, the trip ended early with the boat breaking, but overall it was a great time. We always enjoy the trip!

As usual, our trip to San Diego is jammed packed with plans
and people to see. Luckily our first day was super relaxing as our friends Kim
and EJ hosted a 4th of July BBQ at their house where we were
staying. It was so great to see all of our friends and relive the “old days”
with everyone. Raegan enjoyed all of the attention and especially the kitties!!
She was obsessed with Kim and EJs cats, which kept her plenty entertained.
Jammed into the next day was a trip to a few eateries we miss, a quick beach
trip and the USA soccer game.

Last on the trip’s agenda was a visit to more family! The
best part about this time was seeing Raegan with her cousins playing and having
so much fun. She was definitely worn out by the few days of travel and all the
activities, but she hung in there and played so well with her cousins – bonding
quickly with Logan on the slip-n-slide!
Overall, this month has been full of even more fun and
excitement for little Miss Raegan. We’ll enjoy these times with just the three
of us, but look forward to baby #2 joining us in January and bringing even more
excitement to the fam-bam!
Enjoy this month’s photos and videos…more updates to come