Our Mr. Greyson is now 2 months old and we're just having a blast with him in our lives. It's odd to say, but we feel like he's been here forever and we're not quite sure what life was like without him...surely we had more sleep, but we are enjoying being a family of four!
This month Greyson has come a long way and is more and more a baby and less a newborn. It's so fun seeing him grow and change. This month he gave us a sweet smile and is working hard on a laugh next. It's great to get some exchange and interaction rather than blank stares! At his appointment this month he weighed in at 12 pounds and 12 ounces and 23 inches long. I'd say that's some great growth in just a few short weeks! And apparently he has a rather large head...96th percentile in head size, but 50th in the rest. Guess he'll be our lil bobble head kid. :)
Other than the smiles and the big growth, things are going pretty much the same. He is getting much better at eating and the gassy phase is getting somewhat better. We feel we're getting to know him a bit more and getting the hang of things. But from past experience, once that happens he'll change again and test us out on something completely new, so we'll see what's next!
Stay tuned for more updates!