Greyson has blossomed into a full on big boy. Gone are the baby days, this boy is on a mission to explore the world at a rapid pace. He is definitely keeping us on our toes. We took him to the zoo for the first time and he had a blast seeing all of the animals.
The kiddos are enjoying the new year so far and surprisingly get along so well. They absolutely love each other and it's the sweetest thing ever to watch. Raegan is so patient and loving and Greyson just adores her - daily hugs and kisses are the norm. There are times where Raegan has told us "having a little brother is so hard," but overall she loves being a big sister!
Lastly, so far we have continued to search for a new home and will soon be purchasing one! It's very exciting to explore new neighborhoods and hunt for the perfect place to call home.
Enjoy the first few months of photos and videos!