So as soon as I found out we were having a girl, my decorating instinct kicked in and I started scouring the internet for nursery decor. I of course had to weed through all the pinks and pastels to find the patterns I really liked…which of course disappoints Grandma Miano who would probably have the room coated in pink and purple with frills and ruffles all over the place! But if you know me at all, you know frills are not my think. Not to say I don’t love the cute little outfits out there for little girls, but the frills scare me!
Now shopping online has its perks because there are endless options and you can spend hours on end finding exactly what you’re looking for. The downfall is you can’t touch and feel your purchases. That said, I made my first trip to Babies R Us as an expectant mother.
My first thought was “Yes! I finally get to park in those front spots marked for expectant mothers!” Although the lot was pretty much empty, I still didn’t park there. I find it difficult when I don’t look too prego just yet. Anyway, as I entered the store, I had one agenda…Bedding! But of course walking in I’m immediately hit with an overwhelming feeling of “oh crap, I’m actually having a baby!” thoughts. And I instantly forget what I was there for, who I was and that I had a brain. I kept walking in circles around the story and roamed aimlessly for almost 20 minutes! I think the employees there asked me if I needed help about 10 times. Little did they know I needed all the help I could get, but of course said no.
I finally made my way to the bedding section and didn’t find one thing I liked. Now this could be due to the mood I was in or the fact that they have the worst selection ever. So I figured online would be the way to go for my bedding purchase.
I continued on to the stroller and car seat section, quickly exiting when I realized I have no clue what the best model is or event what I need – a car seat, a stroller, a travel system, an extra base, all of the above??? I finally made my way to the clothes section – a section I am comfortable with! I refrained from buying every outfit in sight, more so out of fear that I’m actually going t have a little person to put in those clothes than to save a dime.
So my first trip resulted in a little shirt saying “It’s no secret I’m daddy’s girl” and an ultrasound picture frame. I left the store with no bedding, nothing all that useful, and a feeling of anxiety that I’m so not ready to be a mom. Needless to say, I have a few more months to 1. accept I’m actually having a baby and 2. to get comfortable with that store! I’m committed to creating a list next time I go in to avoid walking in and roaming aimlessly.
To all those who have conquered Babies R Us, my hat is off to you!
Kristin, I love that you have a blog, since I can't be there to share this experience with, reading it from thousands of miles away is the next best thing! But let me just say that as overwhelmed as you might have been in Babies R Us, there is no reason for you to not feel ready....I know you're gonna be a great mommy to Baby Kelly! Take care and keep up the updates! xoxo