Oh my goodness - I just had the best baby shower ever! I can't believe the turnout and how all those women fit in my little apartment. First and foremost I want to thank my amazing mother and soon to be "Grammy" for all the work she put in to make my shower so wonderful. She did a great job turning our little home into baby shower perfection. And those centerpieces were adorable!! I swear she should go into business making those.
Now I have to say I was a bit overwhelmed by the event and in a way felt I was having an out of body experience the entire day. I was so excited for the day to arrive I don't think I slept much and once it was here I think my brain went straight to mush and I was on autopilot. It was so great to see everyone and I hope I made it around to talk to all of you! And I certainly hope when I did talk to you I made sense. I have laughed at the books that talk about pregnancy brain, but I really do think it exists! I'm definitely not 100% myself right now, but hope I was able to fool you all :)
Thank you all so much for making this day very special and for all the wonderful gifts. Baby Kelly definitely made out and will certainly be a stylish little baby once she arrives! And a big thank you for enduring the heat wave, our cozy apartment and for waiting patiently as it took me over an hour to open all those gifts!
You're all the best!
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