We also attended two of our first prenatal classes this week - sleep strategies and child birth preparation. The sleep strategies class was pretty educational, but I think Hayden was a tad bored. I'm not too sure how much we can fully prepare for her sleep patterns until she is actually here and tells us what she needs, but every little bit of information helps. Now the child birth prep class was a whole different story. They normally do this class in a 6 week session, but because we're impatient and instant gratification type people, we opted for the cram session in 1 day! Hayden kept freaking out that he had to attend a 9 hour class, but I don't think we would have lasted in a 6 week course. Luckily we had a great teacher who kept us engaged the entire day...and the break every hour or so helped as well!
I thought the class would confirm all of my fears of child birth, but surprisingly it gave me a new sense of calm. Maybe it helped to learn exactly what can happen and my fears were mostly about the unknown. Or maybe I'm so deep in denial that I just floated through the class with a false sense of calm. Who knows, but I'll take it at this point.
Everything is progressing as normal and we're excited for the next few weeks to pass and welcome Baby Kelly to this world. Until next time....
Hang on for dear life! Enjoy the next five weeks! Your life will change forever! In a good way! Sleep while you can, enjoy the silence, be selfish and pamper yourself. Parenting doesn't come with a handbook or require a license. At times it can be the most terrifingly rewarding journey. One if my favorite quotes from Eat, Pray, Love: "having a child is like getting a tattoo on your face, you have to fully commit!" if your anything like the girl I knew you will be a great mother, confident, fearless, daring, and fun as hell! Congrats! Savor every second because I can tell you first hand, in a blink a decade will fly by and your babies will be 5 feet tall with minds of their own! Being a mother has daily challenges but it's a lifetime of joy! ~Jessica joy