Today was a tough day, but Raegan and I both survived her first shots. I know she needs them, but boy is it hard to see her be poked and cry! She actually cried more before the shots than after, which was fun for me since it was her first time to this doctor. She apparently is afraid of that office or something. She screamed the entire time. Then when she got her shots she had a very new cry - it sounded like she was shocked more than in pain. Poor thing! But she was a champ and rested well soon after.
I had plans to attend her first Gymboree class to, but was wary of how she would be after her shots. She seemed like herself so I decided to go...but not before she had a poo explosion and then decided to pee all over everything while I changed her! I guess she was showing me who was boss and telling me she didn't appreciate being poked! :)We ende
d up attending her class since she seemed up for it, but again, I was proven wrong! She enjoyed the first 10-15 minutes, was a bit overwhelmed by everything and once one baby started crying it was all over from there. But overall it was a great experience and I got suckered into signing her up. We'll see how she likes it next time. I will say, a morning of shots and an afternoon of gymboree sure did wear her out! She passed out! I'm so glad they don't have to get shots every month. Raegan was a champ and conquered her first shots. Let's hope next round are just as easy.
Wow, time sure does fly when you have a little one! I can't believe Raegan is 2 months old already. Although I can't imagine or remember what life was like without her, it's still flown by. She is doing great and making us laugh every single day.
This month has been a lot of fun watching her do new things such as smile, hold her head up and even roll over. This little one is amazing and makes us so very happy. We have also joined a mommy & me group and Raegan has made a few new friends. She's the youngest of the group, but she'll take over soon enough :) We went to her first sing-a-long and story-time event and she loved it! She was very alert and taking it all in. Raegan is now also a regular at our soccer games as we knew she would be. It's a relief to know that she enjoys getting out of the house as much as we do and she behaves so we can keep up with the activities we love.Enjoy some new photos of Raegan's 2 months of activities. Stay tuned for more of her adventures!
I'm not on the up and up on newborn activities and when they're supposed to do what, but I'm not sure if Raegan is supposed to be rolling over already! Isn't she just supposed to lay there for a few more weeks?! She is an active little one already and is definitely going to keep us busy!
Our little Raegan is not so little anymore...she is getting so big and doing all kinds of new things lately. I know it's only 6 1/2 weeks, but man it's going by so fast! We took her to her doctor this week and she is now 9 pounds, 12 ounces and 22 inches long. Looks like all that breast milk is working and helping her grow big and strong. Raegan is also enjoying her tummy time. She can hold her head up really well and has even rolled over a few times...accidentally of course. Gravity is an amazing thing. But it's just a sign of things to come and how she's going to keep us on our toes here soon enough. I have to admit, it's
pretty nice having her immobile for the time being. It will become more challenging when she is on the move soon.
This week we were also blessed with Raegan's first diaper blowout. I'm sure that is going to happen more and more to, but I just hope she doesn't ruin all of her adorable outfits this way! :)
This was our first New Year's Eve with our little Raegan and I assumed we would take it easy and stay in to avoid the mayhem, but then again that just wouldn't be the Kelly way. Raegan was a real trooper and ventured out to 2 NYE parties, making her rounds in Encinitas to spread her love to all her new friends. I was so happy to be able to take her out and enjoy a nice night with our friends.Check out a few photos of Raegan's wild NYE out on the town.