Raegan Took Her Shots Like a Champ...Sorta!
Today was a tough day, but Raegan and I both survived her first shots. I know she needs them, but boy is it hard to see her be poked and cry! She actually cried more before the shots than after, which was fun for me since it was her first time to this doctor. She apparently is afraid of that office or something. She screamed the entire time. Then when she got her shots she had a very new cry - it sounded like she was shocked more than in pain. Poor thing! But she was a champ and rested well soon after.
I had plans to attend her first Gymboree class to, but was wary of how she would be after her shots. She seemed like herself so I decided to go...but not before she had a poo explosion and then decided to pee all over everything while I changed her! I guess she was showing me who was boss and telling me she didn't appreciate being poked! :)We ende
d up attending her class since she seemed up for it, but again, I was proven wrong! She enjoyed the first 10-15 minutes, was a bit overwhelmed by everything and once one baby started crying it was all over from there. But overall it was a great experience and I got suckered into signing her up. We'll see how she likes it next time. I will say, a morning of shots and an afternoon of gymboree sure did wear her out! She passed out! I'm so glad they don't have to get shots every month. Raegan was a champ and conquered her first shots. Let's hope next round are just as easy.
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