So this month has flown fast in fact that when I met another mom the other day I said little Miss Raegan was almost 15 months!! I've apparently lost track of time and am aging her already. Luckily our little one is not yet 15 months and is a measly 14 months today. I don't think I'm cut out to keep track of the months any longer, so updates may not be official after this! :)
This month is full of more and more activity. Our little Miss is running around like a mad woman, eating everything is sight ALL DAY LONG, and chattering like a maniac. She doesn't stop and is so much fun right now. I think with the rainy weather lately she's feeling a little bored of her toys and the house, but Hayden took her out the other day and apparently she LOVES the mud! I was out of town and missed all the excitement, but heard she was a mess. I'm sure she had a blast!
Miss Raegan is becoming more and more fun and surprises us everyday with new things she has learned. She is super observant and picks things up really fast - it's so amazing to watch! She is also starting to play by herself a lot more and it's interesting to watch how she interacts with her toys and dolls. :)
I have protested the idea of cutting Raegan's hair, much to my mother's dismay, but I'm convinced she doesn't need it and her "shaggy" look is totally stylish! It doesn't seem to bother her too much and she's finally wearing bows to keep it out of her eyes. We'll see how long she lasts with this no hair cutting protest of mine, but so far so good!
Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy this month's photos and a few videos!
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