This month obviously flew by, but not without excitement of course! Miss Raegan enjoyed a full month of activities like dyeing Easter eggs, going on a bazillion Easter egg hunts, blowing bubbles with Grammie, interacting with her friends more and talking, talking, talking!!!!
Easter was a lot of fun this year because Raegan was able to do more...and boy did she do a lot!! We went to 3 different egg hunts and by the time Easter rolled around she was over it! She was a trooper though and let me take all the appropriate photos. We missed out on seeing the Easter bunny because the line was just too long for her to wait in, but she seemed very interested in him from afar. I'm sure next year will be better!
Dyeing Easter eggs was a lot of fun. Miss Raegan was a natural and dunked her eggs like it was something she's done before. She painted too and decorated with stickers. The best was the mess she made and all the fun she had making it!! On Easter, she came downstairs to a nice Easter basket and ran straight for her stuffed Easter bunny. It was so adorable! It was fun to see her into a holiday and be excited. On Easter Sunday, she enjoyed yet another hunt at Grammie and Nonno's house and was just too adorable in her Easter dress!
This month was full of new words for the little Miss Raegan. She is getting to that stage where she definitely knows what she wants, but we just can't interpret what exactly she is saying so there are a LOT of tantrums happening. I would be frustrated too!! But overall, she is getting to be so much fun and boy oh boy is she becoming a daddy's girl!! Now instead of yelling "mommy" five million times she yells "daddy" which makes me happy because it gives me a break!! :) She love, love, loves playing with her daddy when he gets home from work and they have started a new nightly routine of rocking out on the guitar to "Elmo's World" then cuddling and watching cartoons before bedtime. It melts my heart every night!!
The fun part about this stage is that she is getting more and more interactive with the friends I've had her around for almost a year now. It's great to see her recognize them, play at the park with each other rather than on their own and to hear her excitement when I tell her we're going to see them. She even yells out their names now! It's so darn cute and makes it so much fun to see her grow up with her neighborhood pals!!
Miss Raegan is definitely growing and growing into an amazing little girl. She recently upgraded to big girl PJs (no footies) and we swear it aged her! She is growing up before our eyes and it's so sad, but amazing at the same time! We can't wait to see what this next month will bring.
Enjoy this month's photos and videos!
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