We hit up Bishops Farm twice - once on our own and once on a field trip with Raegan's daycare. The field trip was a lot of fun because it was on Halloween day so all of the kids dressed up which was beyond adorable. Luckily Raegan didn't want to wear her costume because the dress she decided to wear got completely trashed and dirty, but it was well worth it. The kids had a blast playing on all of the structures, picking out their own pumpkins in the patch and on the hay ride. It was so great to see Raegan with all of her daycare buddies since I don't get to see it that often. She has so much fun with them!
We also took a trip up to Apple Hill, which is a local area with apple orchards and vineyards. This adventure was a bit more tedious because of the time of year - I think all of Sacramento decided to head up to Apple Hill on the same day we did. It was over crowded and overwhelming to say the least. We didn't last long, but of course long enough to get some apple pie, delicious apple cider and more pictures with pumpkins!

Lastly, we finally were able to get Raegan to the zoo before it gets too cold. The Sacramento zoo isn't much to write home about, but it's the perfect size for Raegan's age. We took her there when she was just over a year old and it was uneventful. This go around she had a blast running from exhibit to exhibit and taking it all in. It was adorable to see how she knew what each animal was and how interested she was in what they were doing. Much better than the first go around!
We definitely had another fun month watching Raegan take in all new experiences! She's getting so big now and it's a blast to watch her grow up and enjoy all of the traditions this time of year can bring. Next up...crazy November with birthdays, holidays and more fun!!
Enjoy this month's photos!