Baby Kelly #2 is getting bigger and bigger every day. I finally feel like I've stopped growing everywhere and am now all belly. It's crazy to think in just a few short months our lil man will be here. He is already making his mark in our lives by his non-stop movement. I was a bit nervous by the amount of movement he was making that I did research on overactive fetuses. Turns out it's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about, but boy oh boy if this is any insight into what kind of kid he will be, we're in for it! Our lil Miss Raegan is a breeze and so very mellow. This lil guy is going to keep us on our toes for sure!
The nesting has taken a bit of time to hit me and has not in full effect just yet. I guess Raegan is keeping me plenty busy to actually think of prepping for our new addition. We've been busy planning her birthday party and transitioning her to a new big girl room. The plan was to move her to a new room when she's a big 3 year old and with this change I told her she could have any type of decoration she wanted - and of course she chose a princess theme! So I've been busy searching for the right decorations to make her transition exciting, easy and comfortable for her.
In all of this shopping, I decided to limit the amount of change in her life and to save my sleepless nights for when the new baby is here and keep her in her room. But of course, I can't go back on my word of a new big girl princess room, so we'll carry on with the new theme once her birthday arrives.
With all this princess shopping, preparing a new room for a little boy has taken a back seat. It's definitely a change to go from pink-pink-pink to think of boy stuff! But we did start to prepare his room a bit by bringing in all the old furniture and digging through all the baby boxes. On to doing inventory of what we have and what we need. Raegan enjoyed setting up the room and playing in the crib. She was too cute and she now calls it his room and gets her PJs on in there every night. She's going to be a great big sister, we can already tell!!
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