Since we now live a bit further from most of the family, I decided to have a post-baby baby shower so everyone could meet Greyson instead of just "seeing" him in my belly. This idea was great and turned into a weekend full of fun and family time. It was great to see everyone and I'm sure everyone enjoyed the opportunity to meet the lil man. Luckily he got through his super fussy phase just before the festivities and was a relatively good baby - enjoying all of the love and attention he received.
This month was also a big deal for Miss Raegan as we took her to see Disney on Ice. This year was much more exciting because she was a bit older and definitely into all of the princess stuff and since the theme was all princess, we just had to take her! As with the first time we took her she was a bit overwhelmed at first, but quickly warmed up and sang along to all the songs she knew and was mesmerized by all of the theatrics. It was a great treat and we're sure she enjoyed it immensely!
Valentine's day was also a fun activity this year. It's great to have traditions and to watch Raegan enjoy them more and more each year as she gets older. This year was pretty neat because she was able to write out her own valentine cards. She practices writing a lot at school, so it's fun to see the results at home. Although, writing 13 valentine cards was a bit much for her, so I did have to help a bit!
And because of the awesome winter weather, we finally were able to get up to Tahoe and enjoy the snow! Better yet, Uncle Frankie came to town and we made a big trip of it. The first day however there was a big storm and we thought we weren't going to be able to make the trip. Luckily the roads cleared up and were were able to go the next day. We all didn't want to risk driving in a storm, especially rookie snow people like me and Hayden! Raegan LOVED the snow and was able to play right by the hotel. There was the perfect amount of snow for her age to sled and build snowmen. It was so great! And for me the weather was perfect - not too cold and definitely bearable. We are eager to go back again!!
These months are flying by and soon enough I'll be back at work :( I'm not looking forward to it too much and certainly enjoying my time with our new lil man.
Enjoy this month's photos and videos!!
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