Now as I said above, the road trip was smooth on the way down,
but boy oh boy was it a different story on the way back home. Unfortunately, I
did not time the travel time right and Greyson was not a happy camper. He didn’t
sleep very much and did not appreciate being in the car as long as he was. It
took us a good 6 or so hours to get to Bakersfield and he cried about 5 of
those. It was tough to say the least and something I will think two or three
times about before deciding to do again! Sadly, I believe this road trip has
stuck in his mind and ever since he has disliked the car and screamed every
time we have him in there. It’s very unfortunate.
After our trip to San Diego, my focus was on enjoying my
last month of maternity leave and trying to relax and get little things done to
prepare for my return to work. Luckily, this plan held true! We purchased a
large trampoline for the kiddos from a friend of ours and Raegan absolutely
loves it…as do we! It fits perfectly in the yard and has provided hours of fun
for her so far. It has been fun watching her get more and more brave on it and
actually starting to jump pretty high!

Greyson has wowed us with some big growth spurts and seems
to be the size Raegan was when she was 6-7 months old! I’ve put him in some of
her hand-me-down clothes that she wore way later in life and he is fitting in
them…could be the amount this lil man eats!! He is a growing boy! He is also a
little charmer, flashing his adorable smile at all times and working in a
giggle here and there. We’re having lots of fun watching him grow and develop …and
his big sister is enamored by him! She
is proving to be a very big help and enjoying making him play with her.
We wrapped up the month of April with swim lessons for Miss
Raegan. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate too well the first week and
it was a big struggle getting her to enjoy her lessons in the cold pool. She
was not a happy camper. I had to really sit tight while watching her cry the
entire lesson and then shiver endlessly after. I had to bribe with all things
chocolate to make her keep going! Luckily, week two was much warmer and one of
her little friends switched lesson times and went at the same time. This helped
tremendously and she changed her tune about lessons instantly. She loved it and
was getting more and more brave in the water every day. It was so fun to watch
the progression! The only down side is she may be a bit too brave, but we’ll
take it! Now she at least will put her head in the water and is not so afraid.
It’s going to be a great summer watching her in the pool!
Unfortunately, the end of April brought the end of my
maternity leave and I had to prep myself and the family for my return to work.
And even worse, I had to move daycares. Raegan was super excited about her new “big
girl” school, but once we went for the tour, she wasn’t too sure. She was super
shy and not interacting at all. Hopefully she will be okay with the transition,
but we’ll see! Greyson’s daycare tour went well and he seemed to take very well
to the teachers there. Hopefully they both do great and it’s a seamless
transition. We shall see. Stay tuned for updates next month!
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