Summer is here!
Ah the joys of summer are here and going by so fast! I can't believe we've already finished up June! And what a fun month it has been for this Kelly Fam Bam. Of course this month has been full of pool time at the Miano Marriott and Raegan is getting better and better at swimming. We can't believe how well she is doing - pretty much swimming all on her own now! I think we'll do a few more lessons to make sure she keeps up with the right technique and knows how to breath, etc. But overall, just getting her exposed to the pool every weekend has been great for her.
Another big deal this month was Raegan's first haircut! Yep, it only took us 3 1/2 years to get it done! I was banking on a grandiose experience, but think I chose the wrong location. The hairdresser was not too animated and didn't think it was a big deal that it was her first haircut ever. I did my best to make it exciting and we had a whole mommy-daughter morning date. Luckily the lady did do her hair up pretty cute though - complete with a blow dry and style with ribbon and bows. Raegan enjoyed it and we had a great day!
This month was also Father's Day and now that Raegan and Greyson are at an official "school" there was a great Donuts with Dad event that Hayden attended. It was super cute and Raegan was excited to have her daddy go to her school for the morning. I tried to snap a photo without her seeing me, but it didn't do it justice of how happy she was. I know Hayden enjoyed it immensely as well!
Rounding out the month was a stomach bug from hell that we assume started at the daycare and attacked poor lil Greyson. He was sick for almost two weeks, throwing up and all. It was heartbreaking to see him go through all of that. We're hoping he will finally get back to normal and stop catching these sicknesses from daycare. Unfortunately, the bug spread to Hayden, Grammy and my cousins that were in town visiting. Luckily, we were able to keep me and Raegan from getting it and everyone recovered okay. Not a fun few weeks, but we made it through!
This month photo taking was a bit slow, but as usual we did capture some great shots of the kiddos!
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