2015 Has Been Busy!
I think the year 2015 has gone by a bit too fast. So much so that I have completely neglected to update this blog or it could be that having two kids has taken up far more of my time than I imagined. I feel awful knowing that I captured a lot of Raegan's first years yet very little of Greyson's, but at least we have photos to document all of life's activities!
Since our last post a lot has happened! We finally settled down in Roseville, CA and purchased our first home! This was so very exciting and despite the long process, we really did land our dream home. And with the help of family and friends, it has become even better and the kids are loving every minute of their new home.
Greyson continues to keep us on our toes and is just a busy little man. Since we moved a little further than our previous neighborhood, we placed him in yet another new daycare where he had a rough start, but has since grown to love it. And the best part is that it is right across the street where Miss Raegan will attend Transitional Kindergarten in August. She's quite excited and we are as well! There was some big decisions to be made, but we finally landed on it being the best option for her and she will flourish. We all can't wait for her first day!
Greyson has also been plagued with chronic ear infections for as long as we can remember. They were so persistent that for a while there he had one every other month. We finally got the clear to put tubes in his ears and it's like he's a new person! He instantly felt better and was full of even more energy!
Raegan has been enjoying the past few months and the start of summer. Her swimming skills are improving every day and she's definitely a little fish. We also put her in gymnastics, at her request, and she loves it! She's definitely entertaining to watch as she appears to be super bored and uninterested, but then snaps into attention and does exactly as she's told. We're hoping to add another activity to the mix soon...once she tells us what she'd like to do. Soccer, unfortunately, is off the table for now. She's also finally riding a bike - still with training wheels - but we finally got her on a bike! This was a big feat as we purchased several different types for her to try in the past. She's a girl on her own schedule that is for sure. When she was ready, she was ready.
I would like to say that I will keep this up more regularly, but who really knows. For now, enjoy the past few months of photos and videos. These little ones are growing fast and keeping us busy. Enjoy!
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