Baby Kelly - 37/38 Weeks
Well it's getting closer and closer to D-Day and things are moving along pretty well. I've been feeling really good, but getting more and more tired every day. I guess it's a good thing I'm not working full time anymore. Not sure how I'd make it through a whole day. This week's doctor appointment went really well. Baby Kelly is growing along and so far is positioned and ready for her entry into the world! We'll see if she gets here on time or not. I haven't had any symptoms of labor and have no idea what it is I'm waiting for. That is the scary part - the unknown! My belly is growing more and more and things are getting a tad more uncomfortable. Putting on pants and shoes is now a big challenge and getting off the couch is pretty entertaining to watch. Oh and the ever so frequent bathroom breaks are probably the most irritating part of the whole experience. I'm thinking of setting up a TV and make shift kitchen in there and camping out for the next few weeks since I'm in there so often!

Overall, we're as prepared as we can be for Baby Kelly's arrival. We've completed almost all of our classes, but played hooky last week for the one class Hayden was looking forward to going to: Baby Basics. I was way too tired to leave the house! Hayden was very eager to learn how to change diapers, swaddle and all that good stuff. I told him he would have a crash course once she arrived, but he still wants to go to the class, so I had to reschedule. I'm sure it will be worth it and he'll get plenty of on the job practice soon.
The countdown has officially begun and we're just 17 days away...fingers crossed she arrives on time! Until next time...or Baby Kelly's arrival! :)
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