If you're interested, here are the wonderful delivery details: We went in for our induction on Sunday the 21st at 7pm. Not sure why they do this to you because you literally can't sleep the entire day before you go and of course you're not going to sleep much after she is here. Annoying, but I guess it's to the doctor's benefit. Who knows. Anyhow, they started the first dose of the induction around 9:30pm and the 2nd around 3am. The 2nd dose was the kicker and put mama in a lot of pain. I have no idea how women give birth naturally - I have immense respect for those who can do it. I was NOT one of those!
Even with lots of begging, the nurse did not want to give me an epidural just yet. I was only at 3cm and she thought it would slow down the process. So I had to wait until 7am to get one. It was rough, but I made it through. And once that wonderful, delicious drug kicked in all was perfect! It's amazing how fantastic that drug can make things! Once I had the epidural I waited another 4 hours to see if things would get moving along or if I would need to continue with the induction drugs. After begging the nurse in those 4 hours, she finally checked me. Much to her surprise I had gone from 3cm to 9cm. She was shocked and said that rarely happens - she told me I did 10 hours of work in just 4 hours! I was quite proud of myself and wanted to tell the nurse who wouldn't give me the epidural when I asked "I TOLD YOU SO!" :) But her shift was over and things were progressing, so she lucked out.
At this point, the doctor came in to check on me before we started pushing. She noticed that the baby was facing up and told me that is normal and the baby normally turns around to make their exit. The nurses went to work placing me in some interesting positions to try and get her to rotate and face down. After a few new positions it was now time to push.
Now because the epidural is the world's most fabulous drug and allows you to give birth without really feeling anything, it also somewhat hinders your ability to feel how well you're pushing. I just pushed and pushed hoping I was doing it right. My cheering section was super helpful and things looked somewhat promising...that is until the 2 hour mark when NOTHING! Nada, zilch, no movement. Raegan was just not budging. I think the nurse could sense I was tired and frustrated and recommended a break and to have the doctor come in to check me.
After an hour or so, the doctor came in and unfortunately, Raegan was still face up. She recommended a c-section and I accepted. I was just ready for her to come out and to stop pushing without any luck. So off to surgery we went and baby Raegan Marie Kelly was born via c-section at 5pm. C-sections are no joke and a very weird. You feel all the tugging and movement, but no pain. Not fun, but not too bad either. Hayden was awesome and helped keep my mind off what they were doing to me. And once we heard Raegan's cry we were elated! She was finally here!
And so there it is...how Raegan Marie Kelly entered the world. Stay tuned for more stories about her journey as our daughter.
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