Well it's true what they say, time sure does fly by! We can't believe little Miss Raegan is 4 months old today. She has grown a little bit and keeps getting called small, but she is just perfect to us. Today's doctor visit went well and she took the next round of shots like a champ! She was much more friendly with the doctor this time and was showing off her smiling and squealing abilities. She weighed in at 12 lbs and was 24 inches long. So far she's gained about a pound a month. I think we'll introduce some rice cereal this month and I'm sure she'll start plumping up in no time and we'll get a true workout carrying her around!
This month has been a lot of fun watching her progress and do new things, such as laughing, grabbing at toys and playing in her jumperoo. She's a very active little girl, but we're still waiting for the rolling over and sitting up to start. I'm sure she'll start that soon and be running around the house in no time!
Raegan continues to brighten every single day of ours and is the biggest joy in our lives. Enjoy the photos and a few videos of our precious little Raegan on our photo site:
View PhotosStay tuned for more updates and photos of our smiling Raegan!
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