Little Miss Raegan is now 5 months old and it's so hard to believe! She is definitely growing fast and developing her own adorable personality. She is a very happy baby full of smiles and laughter, but definitely stubborn like her parents - she knows what she wants and when she wants it and if you don't listen, watch out! We've quickly caved and just give her what she wants! This will bite us in the future, but we can't bare to hear that cry!
This month has been full of activity and excitement for Miss Raegan. She has begun sitting up on her own and is finally interested and entertained by toys, which helps mom out a lot and gives me at least 10 minutes to get things done. We tried solid foods, but true to her developing persona, Princess Raegan was just not having it. Apparently she will let me know when she is ready! Raegan has also outgrown her swaddle blanket at night, which was nerve racking for us because she slept so well at night with it. But she has done okay without it and is still sleeping through the night.
And lastly, our little one is working on her first teeth. They aren't yet visible, but we can feel the little bumps on her gums and she's a tad more fussy than normal. I hope they come in soon and don't drag on like this for long. But she's taking it like a champ and will soon be flashing those pearly whites in her photos!
Enjoy this month's photos and videos. We'll keep you updated on new adventures in Raegan land throughout the next month!
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