Overall, Raegan seems to be enjoying her days with her new friends. Unfortunately she cannot communicate what she does all day, but she seems to be happy and doesn't cry too much when we drop her off...anymore! I am truly amazed at how quickly her language and behavior has changed though. Now, I cannot give credit or blame to the daycare just yet because it could simply be her progressing along the normal stages of life, but man she is growing up so fast!! She now repeats just about every word she hears, which is a blessing and a curse of course. On the downside, she is getting a bit more aggressive and possessive. The word "no" is being used way more, hitting and biting are more prevalent and she has become more attached to certain toys. It's all new and interesting and we're making our way through all the nuances of this new life!
The one great benefit of this new life is Hayden gets to spend a lot more one-on-one time with Raegan since he picks her up from daycare every day. It's so sweet to come home and see them playing and having fun together. Their bond is growing even stronger! Albeit, I can't handle how messy the house is when I get home, but I'm doing my best to let that go!! :)
So, 19 months into this parenting gig and I think we're getting the hang of things! At the very least we're all having the time of our lives and taking pleasure in every day's gifts our little Miss Raegan gives us.
Enjoy this month's photos and videos...
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