Once again I am shocked at how fast time is flying by. Our little Miss Raegan is now 20 months and is blossoming into a little lady so quickly! I think daycare has really made an impact on her - of course both good and bad - but overall she seems to be making changes fast!
The biggest change is the not so looming terrible twos!! They are pretty much here and don't show any signs of passing as fast as they arrived. That's right, our sweet angel Raegan has turned the corner and found her devilish streak! Not to say that she's not a sweet angel anymore, just that it's not as common these days. She's definitely challenging us and we're close to starting some major time outs...let's just hope she can understand what that is here and soon!

I think one of the best things about this month is Raegan is starting to smile when asked! I swear every time the camera would come out she would clam up and put on her serious "what the heck" face. It was too funny. But now she flashes her big smile on demand and it's the cutest, squishiest thing ever! I just want to eat her up.
This month started off pretty bad with Raegan's first real illness from the daycare world. She was down for a full week, which was challenging for all of us...especially me since I came down with her flu to! But, we all survived and she was back to normal in no time. This month as with most has been full of fun and adventure for the little miss. We went to a 4th of July parade with her little friends, a family fishing derby and camping trip, and spent lots of time at Grammie and Nonno's house swimming, swimming and swimming some more! Raegan is a little fish and can't get enough of the pool, which is awesome considering it's 100+ degrees here every day!
And this month's most exciting activity was the Wiggles concert!! I never would have thought I would ever in a million years attend something like this, but I couldn't resist. Raegan is obsessed with the Wiggles and gets so happy when she watches the show that I just had to see what she would do at a live Wiggles concert! Unfortunately, the concert was on a weekday at 6:30pm, so it wasn't the most ideal timing, but she still rocked away and had a blast. She was a bit overwhelmed by everything that was going on, but she sang and danced along and had so much fun! Our photos and videos aren't the best, but she definitely had a good time and enjoyed the concert.
Every month our little Miss Raegan surprises us with how quickly she learns things and how fast she's growing up. Daycare is actually going great and she's learning so much. Just the other day she counted to six! It was crazy to hear and to think that she can count. Now before you all go on thinking she's a genius, I believe that was a total fluke and she can really only count to three or four now, but still!! :) LOL!
Enjoy watching little Miss Raegan grow in this month's photos and videos!
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