We also took another camping and boating trip which provided a once in a lifetime experience for all of us! As you can view in the videos, a deer came into our campground and was very comfortable with all of us. So much so it let Raegan feed it fruit right from her hand! I was amazed first that Raegan was not afraid, but even more so that this wild animal was not afraid of us! It was amazing and Raegan still talks about it today. I'm a bit worried she will think it's normal for deer to approach you and eat out of your hands!!
Another fun adventure for Raegan this month was spending a few days just with Hayden while I went away on a work trip. They had a lot of fun together and it was great that they had all that father-daughter bonding time...and surprisingly the house was put back together nicely for my return! Raegan's new favorite thing is playtime with daddy - they build forts, play in her playhouse outside and ride bikes around the neighborhood. It's adorable!
Enjoy this month's photos and videos!!
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