It's a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now at 20 weeks along, we have confirmed that Baby Kelly #2 is a BOY!!!
We're super excited to not only have a healthy baby, but to know that
now we have one of each gender. This rounds out the family nicely and
will be a wonderful new adventure for us all. Raegan guessed it would be
a boy too, which surprised the heck out of me since she's been saying
"sister" the entire time, but the day before we found out she was
certain it was a boy. We're not too sure how eager she is to share her
world with her new little brother or how much she understands, but she
claims she will be a wonderful big sister! I don't doubt it, but I'm
sure we'll encounter a few bumps in the road.
The ultrasound was quite an adventure! I started the day with either a pink or blue shirt, but of course wore the blue one to the appointment with hopes that it would sway the results I guess! We sat patiently through the entire ultrasound and the tech took the full HOUR to wait to tell us the big news. When she did Hayden was trying to hold in his excitement, but a huge smile was across his face and mine. We were super excited to know that we would have one of each gender and our family would be complete.

And the best part was I didn't have to change my shirt!! :) Now on to purging all of the adorable girl clothes and stuff I have and starting anew with baby boy stuff.
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