Well, it's official! Baby Kelly #2 will be here on January 13, 2014 via scheduled c-section! It's crazy to think this is just two short weeks away. We're all very excited to meet our little man and are sure the time will fly by.
Raegan is constantly talking about him and seems very eager for him to get here. Not sure if she realizes how much her world is going to change, but she seems okay with it all at this point. We're sure she's going to be a great big sister and very maternal.
Fingers crossed for a smooth surgery and health baby boy! Details and photos to follow soon...and final baby bump!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
34 weeks...

This little guy sure is active though! He definitely reminds me he is in there all day long! And he's taking a bigger toll on my body this go around - causing a lot of sleepless nights and trouble getting my shoes on, but overall things are pretty easy, just as they were with Raegan.
This month's doctor appointment showed him growing along just as he should be, a strong heartbeat and overall perfect report. We also did a tour of the hospital since it's our first time at this particular one. It's a big difference going on these type of tours the second go around - not as scary or intimidating and just a refresher! It is a bit odd knowing we'll roll in to surgery right away with the scheduled c-section, but overall things will be about the same. Next appointment we'll get to choose this little guy's birthday and schedule the c-section - so surreal!!
Stay tuned for one more belly bump pic and then the big day...just a few short weeks away!!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Princess Palooza

Of course we started the month off with a birthday countdown, which to a 2 year old was probably torture. She was in full anticipation mode of that glorious day for weeks! And when it finally arrived, it was a week long celebration: we had a celebration at her daycare, a family party at the house and then her special friend birthday party at Wacky Tacky - a local party place just for kids.
Raegan was showered with love by all the family - and especially loved having her Uncles and Aunties come into town for the special occasion. Not only was she showered with love, but she was showered with princess stuff galore! Our life threw up pink, but we accepted it because she absolutely loved it all. She is princess through and through and it's by far her favorite thing right now.
In addition to all of the princess gifts, we upgraded her room to a princess theme in honor of this new found obsession. It was adorable to see her eyes light up when she saw her new room and said it was "beautiful." She couldn't wait to take a nap and be in her room. Success!
This month also included a road trip to Los Osos for Thanksgiving to see the Kelly family. Raegan loves her road trips - mostly because she gets to watch movies, eat junk food and of course suck on her "crack pipe" as I call it - the pacifier. This is one thing we really want to break her of, but when you're 8 months pregnant and on a 6 hour road trip, you choose your battles! Raegan had a blast seeing her family and playing with all of her cousins. It's by far one of our favorite things to see her enjoy playing with her cousins and watch them grow up together. Even though they are all boys, she hangs pretty well...playing in her dresses as she climbs play structures and runs around with the boys! It's adorable. We love that she's all girl, but doesn't get phased by playing in the dirt or running around.

Overall, we had another exciting month full of adventures. Next month won't disappoint and we look forward to seeing how Miss Raegan handles Santa and Christmas this year!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
October Celebrations

We hit up Bishops Farm twice - once on our own and once on a field trip with Raegan's daycare. The field trip was a lot of fun because it was on Halloween day so all of the kids dressed up which was beyond adorable. Luckily Raegan didn't want to wear her costume because the dress she decided to wear got completely trashed and dirty, but it was well worth it. The kids had a blast playing on all of the structures, picking out their own pumpkins in the patch and on the hay ride. It was so great to see Raegan with all of her daycare buddies since I don't get to see it that often. She has so much fun with them!
We also took a trip up to Apple Hill, which is a local area with apple orchards and vineyards. This adventure was a bit more tedious because of the time of year - I think all of Sacramento decided to head up to Apple Hill on the same day we did. It was over crowded and overwhelming to say the least. We didn't last long, but of course long enough to get some apple pie, delicious apple cider and more pictures with pumpkins!

Lastly, we finally were able to get Raegan to the zoo before it gets too cold. The Sacramento zoo isn't much to write home about, but it's the perfect size for Raegan's age. We took her there when she was just over a year old and it was uneventful. This go around she had a blast running from exhibit to exhibit and taking it all in. It was adorable to see how she knew what each animal was and how interested she was in what they were doing. Much better than the first go around!
We definitely had another fun month watching Raegan take in all new experiences! She's getting so big now and it's a blast to watch her grow up and enjoy all of the traditions this time of year can bring. Next up...crazy November with birthdays, holidays and more fun!!
Enjoy this month's photos!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
28 weeks...getting closer
The nesting has taken a bit of time to hit me and has not in full effect just yet. I guess Raegan is keeping me plenty busy to actually think of prepping for our new addition. We've been busy planning her birthday party and transitioning her to a new big girl room. The plan was to move her to a new room when she's a big 3 year old and with this change I told her she could have any type of decoration she wanted - and of course she chose a princess theme! So I've been busy searching for the right decorations to make her transition exciting, easy and comfortable for her.
In all of this shopping, I decided to limit the amount of change in her life and to save my sleepless nights for when the new baby is here and keep her in her room. But of course, I can't go back on my word of a new big girl princess room, so we'll carry on with the new theme once her birthday arrives.
With all this princess shopping, preparing a new room for a little boy has taken a back seat. It's definitely a change to go from pink-pink-pink to think of boy stuff! But we did start to prepare his room a bit by bringing in all the old furniture and digging through all the baby boxes. On to doing inventory of what we have and what we need. Raegan enjoyed setting up the room and playing in the crib. She was too cute and she now calls it his room and gets her PJs on in there every night. She's going to be a great big sister, we can already tell!!
Friday, October 4, 2013
24 weeks and growing...

This month is one of the most fun as the fetal movements start to pick up and become more lifelike as opposed to flutters. We have another active little one and it’s so fun to feel him move all day long. Overall, he is measuring just right and has a strong, healthy heartbeat and we can ask for much better than that.
Stay tuned for more belly updates next month!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
A Month full of Adventures
September was the month we were eagerly looking forward to all year! It
was packed full of fun and adventure.

Until this wedding Raegan was not too keen on having her photo taken
and would wither scowl at the camera or completely look away. Capturing a good
shot was hard work. For some reason, the week of the wedding she turned a
corner and turned up the sassiness! She would smile on command, pose when
requested and gave us a week full of fantastic photos! I can’t wait until the
professional shots are available!
Not only did she glam it up for the cameras, but like I said, she
basically stole the show. She was a perfect flower girl, performing her duty to
perfection! And to top it off, she made the groom cry as she strolled down the
aisle. Can’t get much better than that. On top of all of this, she had the best
time of her life with all the family and danced her booty off with her cousins.
It was so fun to see her enjoy herself so much…and a rude awakening to have her
shoo me away and not want me around as she was playing with her cousins!

Again, Raegan had the time of her life with her cousins Austen and
Nolan. It was so wonderful to see the kids get to spend that much time together
and have so much fun. We were nervous how she would do in the ocean, but each
day she got more and more confident and brave in the water! It was so fun to
watch and to be a kid again ourselves. The trip was full of sand castles, wave
jumping, shell searching and family fun! Now back to reality it’s hard to
adjust, but so great to have all the memories!

Enjoy this month’s photos and videos of our crazy lil Raegan enjoying a
month full of adventures!!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Another Month of Excitement!

We also took another camping and boating trip which provided a once in a lifetime experience for all of us! As you can view in the videos, a deer came into our campground and was very comfortable with all of us. So much so it let Raegan feed it fruit right from her hand! I was amazed first that Raegan was not afraid, but even more so that this wild animal was not afraid of us! It was amazing and Raegan still talks about it today. I'm a bit worried she will think it's normal for deer to approach you and eat out of your hands!!
Another fun adventure for Raegan this month was spending a few days just with Hayden while I went away on a work trip. They had a lot of fun together and it was great that they had all that father-daughter bonding time...and surprisingly the house was put back together nicely for my return! Raegan's new favorite thing is playtime with daddy - they build forts, play in her playhouse outside and ride bikes around the neighborhood. It's adorable!
Enjoy this month's photos and videos!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
It's a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Baby Kelly #2 - 16 weeks

At this month's appointment, the nurse was adamant again that the rapid heart beat means this baby is another girl. Luckily we only have a few more weeks to find out if we'll be living in pink forever or if blue will enter our lives...we're excited to find out.
Stay tuned for baby gender news on August 27th!!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
And Baby Completes the Fam!
If you haven’t heard, the Kelly family is expanding! Baby #2 will be here in late January and we couldn’t be more excited…especially little Miss Raegan who says she has a “big sister” in her belly! We’re 13 weeks along and things are going smoothly.

Along with the big news of baby #2, we’ve had a busy month! Summer has arrived and we’ve taken full advantage of the weather and have had lots of fun. Too much if you ask me since little Miss Raegan now thinks life is a vacation and going back to daycare is not an option, but she’s getting back into the swing of things. First, we headed off on our annual lake vacation with the family and endured the 108 degree weather. It was a lot of fun and Raegan enjoyed the boat (as always) and all the time she spent with family! She got to see her Uncle Frankie and Kassie, “Aunt” Beth, her Grandma and Papa Kelly and best of all her cousin Austen – who fully entertained her for the weekend. I considered taking him home with us to entertain her daily! Despite all the fun, the trip ended early with the boat breaking, but overall it was a great time. We always enjoy the trip!

As usual, our trip to San Diego is jammed packed with plans
and people to see. Luckily our first day was super relaxing as our friends Kim
and EJ hosted a 4th of July BBQ at their house where we were
staying. It was so great to see all of our friends and relive the “old days”
with everyone. Raegan enjoyed all of the attention and especially the kitties!!
She was obsessed with Kim and EJs cats, which kept her plenty entertained.
Jammed into the next day was a trip to a few eateries we miss, a quick beach
trip and the USA soccer game.

Last on the trip’s agenda was a visit to more family! The
best part about this time was seeing Raegan with her cousins playing and having
so much fun. She was definitely worn out by the few days of travel and all the
activities, but she hung in there and played so well with her cousins – bonding
quickly with Logan on the slip-n-slide!
Overall, this month has been full of even more fun and
excitement for little Miss Raegan. We’ll enjoy these times with just the three
of us, but look forward to baby #2 joining us in January and bringing even more
excitement to the fam-bam!
Enjoy this month’s photos and videos…more updates to come
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