As another month passes, we enjoy all the fun he brings to our lives. Raegan absolutely adores him and they are having a lot of fun growing up together so far!
Friday, December 19, 2014
11 months!
As another month passes, we enjoy all the fun he brings to our lives. Raegan absolutely adores him and they are having a lot of fun growing up together so far!
Monday, November 24, 2014
9 & 10 Months

His 9th month was full of development and he finally cut his bottom two teeth. Unfortunately, this little man takes forever to get his teeth and has quite a rough time with them, so it was a small celebration when they finally came through!

His 10th month was full of activity! He went from cruising around furniture, to using a walker toy to full on walking in just a few short weeks. He wasted no time to get moving! He also learned how to stand up on his own without holding onto anything.
Greyson is all boy and loves anything to do with soccer balls, baseballs, remotes, banging things and crashing things. It's hilarious watching him destroy things and stop whatever he is doing to grab the remote or a ball.
Next up with hopefully be the two front teeth and some words! He enjoys making noise, but no actual words yet.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The Adventures Continue
Of course my time has been extremely limited and getting to this blog has seemed more challenging that I'd like, but something is better than nothing! So here is our catch up...

This summer has been full of adventures and fun for our little family. Not only is our little guy Greyson growing and growing and getting more active, but so is Raegan! She is blossoming into the best big sister we could ask for and enjoying all that her new preschool has to offer. We've had some challenging times and a bit of regression for a few weeks, but overall she has grown to accept her new role as big sister and the fact that Greyson is here to stay. We all have had to learn how to adjust to sharing our attention and giving each other the special time they need. And now that he is getting more active, Raegan is enjoying helping him and showing him the ropes!
In July we also welcomed another new addition to the family with baby Isabella June Miano! The kids are very excited to welcome another cousin and to have one close by. Although she's a bit tiny, we're sure she'll grow up to run with the kids in no time...that is if Greyson doesn't eat her for lunch! He seems so huge next to her!
A few other first these past few months were Greyson's first camping and boating trip to Lake Oroville. He did great and next year will be able to actually go on the boat! Raegan had a great time camping and enjoyed her time on the boat. And thanks to our cousins, we were able to enjoy camping in a trailer as opposed to a tent or cramming into my parents motor home. It was a great adventure overall!
Raegan had a new adventure as well when Grandma and Papa Kelly came to visit. We took a day trip out to the aquatic center and she finally got on the paddle board with Hayden! Hayden was so excited since he has tried time and time again to get her to go on. Granted she didn't last too long, but she did it and that's all that matters. Next year she'll surely want one of her own and we'll be chasing her down the river!

The summer of course was full of more time in the pool and out in the sun. Both Raegan and Greyson love the water, so it's great to get them in the pool every weekend. The weather is slowly cooling down, so the pool time will be missed here soon!
And to wrap up the summer, Hayden took Miss Raegan out on a camping trip just the two of them! Well, with a group of friends, but without Mommy! Greyson has proven to be a bit of a challenge at night and since he's getting more and more mobile, camping just didn't seem like that much fun for me, so we opted to split the fam and Hayden and Raegan had a special weekend full of father-daughter time. Raegan is at the perfect age for this and they had a blast! They went in the lake, hiked up rocks, played in the dirt, and roasted marshmallows - all the staples when it comes to camping. They both came home dirty as all heck and smelling like dirt, but it was all worth it to see the smiles on their faces. And Greyson and I enjoyed our mommy-son time as well!

As usual, the months have been so fun watching these two little ones grow and entertain us. It doesn't get much better than these good times and all of the memories we're creating! Enjoy all the photos and videos!

In July we also welcomed another new addition to the family with baby Isabella June Miano! The kids are very excited to welcome another cousin and to have one close by. Although she's a bit tiny, we're sure she'll grow up to run with the kids in no time...that is if Greyson doesn't eat her for lunch! He seems so huge next to her!

Raegan had a new adventure as well when Grandma and Papa Kelly came to visit. We took a day trip out to the aquatic center and she finally got on the paddle board with Hayden! Hayden was so excited since he has tried time and time again to get her to go on. Granted she didn't last too long, but she did it and that's all that matters. Next year she'll surely want one of her own and we'll be chasing her down the river!

The summer of course was full of more time in the pool and out in the sun. Both Raegan and Greyson love the water, so it's great to get them in the pool every weekend. The weather is slowly cooling down, so the pool time will be missed here soon!
And to wrap up the summer, Hayden took Miss Raegan out on a camping trip just the two of them! Well, with a group of friends, but without Mommy! Greyson has proven to be a bit of a challenge at night and since he's getting more and more mobile, camping just didn't seem like that much fun for me, so we opted to split the fam and Hayden and Raegan had a special weekend full of father-daughter time. Raegan is at the perfect age for this and they had a blast! They went in the lake, hiked up rocks, played in the dirt, and roasted marshmallows - all the staples when it comes to camping. They both came home dirty as all heck and smelling like dirt, but it was all worth it to see the smiles on their faces. And Greyson and I enjoyed our mommy-son time as well!

As usual, the months have been so fun watching these two little ones grow and entertain us. It doesn't get much better than these good times and all of the memories we're creating! Enjoy all the photos and videos!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Whoa, he turned 6 months, 7 months and 8 months
Complete mommy fail! Our little man has turned not just 6 months old, but 7 months and now 8 months and I have yet to document his journey! Luckily, I did do his photos so we did document his growth!
These past few months have been full of excitement for our little guy and the family as a whole. Greyson continues to bless us with smiles day in and day out - he is just the happiest little man! And he is a busy one as well!
At 6 months he began his perpetual motion journey and was rolling all over the house. He just about mastered sitting up and started enjoying baby food. At his check up appointment he weighed in at 17 pounds and was 26 inches long - about 2 pounds in 2 months and about an inch in length. I think his weight would have jumped much higher, but at 6 months he caught a nasty stomach bug and couldn't keep much down. A nice stomach bug that he shared with many of us! But luckily he recovered and was fine.
At 7 months he had mastered sitting up and continued to roll all over the place! He also started his new trick of blowing bubbles, which was a super cute new trick. A big change for him was we moved daycare providers because he was just not happy and we didn't feel he was getting the attention he needed. His new daycare is an in-home where he is the only infant and he has definitely thrived! Not only did he finally get on a better sleeping schedule, but overall he seemed much happier. The only downside for his new daycare provider is he started teething pretty bad...with no teeth in sight! But overall, he and she seem to be enjoying each other and we are all much happier.
At 8 months the whirlwind of motion has hit and there is no slowing this boy down! It is incredible the difference in children and I'm not sure if it's boy vs. girl or just this particular kid, but he does not like to sit still! This month he is up on his knees and gearing up to crawl at any time...due to his rather large head he may just continue to army crawl around since it seems it's a big hard to keep that head up! This month he also picked up babbling and squealing as well as his love for standing up. The boy does not want to be sitting and enjoys all of his toys while standing. Up next will be "cruising" around the furniture. And because he is moving so much, the monthly sticker photos are getting harder and harder to capture!
It's truly incredible how fast this time is going. I suppose it's because life is just very busy, but I hope that it will slow down soon so we can enjoy our last little baby as long as possible.
These past few months have been full of excitement for our little guy and the family as a whole. Greyson continues to bless us with smiles day in and day out - he is just the happiest little man! And he is a busy one as well!

At 7 months he had mastered sitting up and continued to roll all over the place! He also started his new trick of blowing bubbles, which was a super cute new trick. A big change for him was we moved daycare providers because he was just not happy and we didn't feel he was getting the attention he needed. His new daycare is an in-home where he is the only infant and he has definitely thrived! Not only did he finally get on a better sleeping schedule, but overall he seemed much happier. The only downside for his new daycare provider is he started teething pretty bad...with no teeth in sight! But overall, he and she seem to be enjoying each other and we are all much happier.

At 8 months the whirlwind of motion has hit and there is no slowing this boy down! It is incredible the difference in children and I'm not sure if it's boy vs. girl or just this particular kid, but he does not like to sit still! This month he is up on his knees and gearing up to crawl at any time...due to his rather large head he may just continue to army crawl around since it seems it's a big hard to keep that head up! This month he also picked up babbling and squealing as well as his love for standing up. The boy does not want to be sitting and enjoys all of his toys while standing. Up next will be "cruising" around the furniture. And because he is moving so much, the monthly sticker photos are getting harder and harder to capture!
It's truly incredible how fast this time is going. I suppose it's because life is just very busy, but I hope that it will slow down soon so we can enjoy our last little baby as long as possible.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Summer is here!

Another big deal this month was Raegan's first haircut! Yep, it only took us 3 1/2 years to get it done! I was banking on a grandiose experience, but think I chose the wrong location. The hairdresser was not too animated and didn't think it was a big deal that it was her first haircut ever. I did my best to make it exciting and we had a whole mommy-daughter morning date. Luckily the lady did do her hair up pretty cute though - complete with a blow dry and style with ribbon and bows. Raegan enjoyed it and we had a great day!
This month was also Father's Day and now that Raegan and Greyson are at an official "school" there was a great Donuts with Dad event that Hayden attended. It was super cute and Raegan was excited to have her daddy go to her school for the morning. I tried to snap a photo without her seeing me, but it didn't do it justice of how happy she was. I know Hayden enjoyed it immensely as well!

This month photo taking was a bit slow, but as usual we did capture some great shots of the kiddos!
Friday, June 13, 2014
5 Months??!!
Okay, I'm seriously struggling this time around to keep up with this blog. Time and life is going by so incredibly fast! I guess with two kiddos you just blink and time flies by. Luckily, I am able to somewhat keep up and have a short update for our lil man Greyson's 5 months!
This month has been quite a month for Greyson with great advancements. He's rolling over from both his belly and his back and is just about sitting up on his own! He's much more into toys and can be entertained a bit more, which is great! We have him in his bouncer and he's loving it.
We tried to introduce solid foods with hopes that it would fill him up and help him sleep longer at night, but he was not a big fan. The first attempt went well and he enjoyed it (which we caught on camera), but every other attempt has failed. Raegan was a bit the same and we weren't able to get her taking food until around 6 months, so maybe he will be the same.
Overall, we've had another great month of watching our lil man grow! He's such a sweet little one and incredibly happy. He definitely loves his big sister and lights up whenever he sees her or hears her voice. It's a joy watching them together and we love every minute of it!

We tried to introduce solid foods with hopes that it would fill him up and help him sleep longer at night, but he was not a big fan. The first attempt went well and he enjoyed it (which we caught on camera), but every other attempt has failed. Raegan was a bit the same and we weren't able to get her taking food until around 6 months, so maybe he will be the same.
Overall, we've had another great month of watching our lil man grow! He's such a sweet little one and incredibly happy. He definitely loves his big sister and lights up whenever he sees her or hears her voice. It's a joy watching them together and we love every minute of it!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Full of Change in May
Whoa was May a doozy for the Kelly fam bam! It seems to be
our M.O. to do everything at once and we didn’t hold back this month. From me going
back to work, the kids going to a new daycare and Hayden bringing on an
employee, we had a lot of new things going on. Fortunately, we all survived and
are adjusting fairly well to all the newness.

Greyson on the other hand had a much harder time adjusting
to his new daycare. As expected, he did not warm up to his teachers and the new
place very well. He is a high maintenance little man and requires a lot of
attention, which I am sure he didn’t get much of with so many other little ones
requiring just as much attention. The teachers are all wonderful though and
reassured me every day that it will, and can, only get better! But of course,
week 2 ended with a cold and he was home almost the entire 3rd week.
He is still recovering from his cold, but luckily he is warming up to the ladies
and starting to get a bit more comfortable with everything. Fingers crossed he
is building strong immunities and the colds will not plague us!
The best part about this month as been the weather and the
pool time! We are getting to see little Miss Raegan turn into a big swimmer! The
swim lessons surely have paid off and she is a little fish. It’s both a
blessing and a curse because she never wants to get out, but that just means
more practice, practice, practice! Greyson is a pool baby too and has so far
enjoyed lounging in his floaty also. So far, we’ve had a few great pool days
and are sure Raegan will be a full blown swimmer by the end of the summer.
Despite Raegan taking to her new school well and enjoying
it, she has had a few rough days of acting out and testing me and Hayden to our
limits. I think she was bit overwhelmed with all the new things happening and
she has finally snapped, realizing um little Greyson isn’t going anywhere and I’m
expected to grow up here?! It’s been a rough few tantrum-filled evenings, but
we’ve since introduced a reward chart and hope that by giving her positive
reinforcement for her good behavior, she’ll start behaving a lot better.
Fingers crossed! I do imagine that this is just the beginning of her testing
limits, so we’re getting good practice! I just hope Greyson takes a different
approach when he reaches 3..HA wishful thinking!
As with most families when the 2nd kid comes
along the photos get less and less. Fortunately, we have iPhones to capture
some key moments, there definitely is not as many as with Raegan. But there are
still some great pictures and videos to enjoy!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
4 months of growth
Well since Greyson’s last check up at 2 months old he has put up some big numbers! He is now 15 pounds 15 ounces and 25.5 inches long – that’s an increase of 3 pounds and 2 inches. I guess all that eating has paid off! It’s fun to see how much bigger he is than Raegan, but somehow we expected him to be…especially coming out as big as he did!
He also started his new daycare this month and it’s proven to be a challenge for him. Like most babies I’m sure, it’s been an adjustment for him. He is a bit of a high maintenance kid and does not like to be alone, so I imagine sharing his daycare provider’s attention is rough on him. Plus all the new stimuli and environment is surely hard to adjust to. But, it can only get better from here! Luckily all of the changes have not affected his sleep patterns and he’s still giving us some good stretches at night. Hopefully when he starts solid foods here soon they’ll get even longer! Wishful thinking? I sure hope not!
We’re looking forward to watching him continue to grow and thrive. Surely next month he’ll be a completely new kid, challenging us in new ways, but we’re up for it!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Spring Fun

Now as I said above, the road trip was smooth on the way down,
but boy oh boy was it a different story on the way back home. Unfortunately, I
did not time the travel time right and Greyson was not a happy camper. He didn’t
sleep very much and did not appreciate being in the car as long as he was. It
took us a good 6 or so hours to get to Bakersfield and he cried about 5 of
those. It was tough to say the least and something I will think two or three
times about before deciding to do again! Sadly, I believe this road trip has
stuck in his mind and ever since he has disliked the car and screamed every
time we have him in there. It’s very unfortunate.
After our trip to San Diego, my focus was on enjoying my
last month of maternity leave and trying to relax and get little things done to
prepare for my return to work. Luckily, this plan held true! We purchased a
large trampoline for the kiddos from a friend of ours and Raegan absolutely
loves it…as do we! It fits perfectly in the yard and has provided hours of fun
for her so far. It has been fun watching her get more and more brave on it and
actually starting to jump pretty high!

Greyson has wowed us with some big growth spurts and seems
to be the size Raegan was when she was 6-7 months old! I’ve put him in some of
her hand-me-down clothes that she wore way later in life and he is fitting in
them…could be the amount this lil man eats!! He is a growing boy! He is also a
little charmer, flashing his adorable smile at all times and working in a
giggle here and there. We’re having lots of fun watching him grow and develop …and
his big sister is enamored by him! She
is proving to be a very big help and enjoying making him play with her.
We wrapped up the month of April with swim lessons for Miss
Raegan. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate too well the first week and
it was a big struggle getting her to enjoy her lessons in the cold pool. She
was not a happy camper. I had to really sit tight while watching her cry the
entire lesson and then shiver endlessly after. I had to bribe with all things
chocolate to make her keep going! Luckily, week two was much warmer and one of
her little friends switched lesson times and went at the same time. This helped
tremendously and she changed her tune about lessons instantly. She loved it and
was getting more and more brave in the water every day. It was so fun to watch
the progression! The only down side is she may be a bit too brave, but we’ll
take it! Now she at least will put her head in the water and is not so afraid.
It’s going to be a great summer watching her in the pool!
Unfortunately, the end of April brought the end of my
maternity leave and I had to prep myself and the family for my return to work.
And even worse, I had to move daycares. Raegan was super excited about her new “big
girl” school, but once we went for the tour, she wasn’t too sure. She was super
shy and not interacting at all. Hopefully she will be okay with the transition,
but we’ll see! Greyson’s daycare tour went well and he seemed to take very well
to the teachers there. Hopefully they both do great and it’s a seamless
transition. We shall see. Stay tuned for updates next month!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
3 Months of Happy!
Well our lil man is now 3 months old and is just a happy little guy. He is all smiles all the time and is trying so very hard to give us that first giggle! He's pushing out squeals, but no official giggle just yet. This month he found his hands and chews away all day long and he is growing so fast! In comparison to Raegan this is quite a change for us...she took forever to go through clothes sizes, but Mr. Greyson is just about in 6 month size now! Crazy! I know he eats a heck of a lot more than she did, so it's no wonder he's a big boy.
Not much else to report this month other than he's sleeping a bit better, averaging 8 hours which is great. He is following in his sisters footsteps in the nap department and takes a few 20-30 minute power naps a day. Not so much fun for mom, but hey he's sleeping good at night, so I can't complain. Plus, going through it with Raegan helps a bit. He is also still rolling over from his belly as he started at day 12 of his life! We're gearing up for his daycare experience and trying to wean him off breastfeeding during the day. So far he takes to the bottle and formula pretty well, so we don't imagine any problems next month when he goes to daycare.
Surely by next month's post we'll have a giggle video to share and news about his new experiences at daycare. Stay tuned!
Not much else to report this month other than he's sleeping a bit better, averaging 8 hours which is great. He is following in his sisters footsteps in the nap department and takes a few 20-30 minute power naps a day. Not so much fun for mom, but hey he's sleeping good at night, so I can't complain. Plus, going through it with Raegan helps a bit. He is also still rolling over from his belly as he started at day 12 of his life! We're gearing up for his daycare experience and trying to wean him off breastfeeding during the day. So far he takes to the bottle and formula pretty well, so we don't imagine any problems next month when he goes to daycare.
Surely by next month's post we'll have a giggle video to share and news about his new experiences at daycare. Stay tuned!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Greyson is 2 Months Old
Our Mr. Greyson is now 2 months old and we're just having a blast with him in our lives. It's odd to say, but we feel like he's been here forever and we're not quite sure what life was like without him...surely we had more sleep, but we are enjoying being a family of four!
This month Greyson has come a long way and is more and more a baby and less a newborn. It's so fun seeing him grow and change. This month he gave us a sweet smile and is working hard on a laugh next. It's great to get some exchange and interaction rather than blank stares! At his appointment this month he weighed in at 12 pounds and 12 ounces and 23 inches long. I'd say that's some great growth in just a few short weeks! And apparently he has a rather large head...96th percentile in head size, but 50th in the rest. Guess he'll be our lil bobble head kid. :)
Other than the smiles and the big growth, things are going pretty much the same. He is getting much better at eating and the gassy phase is getting somewhat better. We feel we're getting to know him a bit more and getting the hang of things. But from past experience, once that happens he'll change again and test us out on something completely new, so we'll see what's next!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Friday, February 28, 2014
February Fun
Since we now live a bit further from most of the family, I decided to have a post-baby baby shower so everyone could meet Greyson instead of just "seeing" him in my belly. This idea was great and turned into a weekend full of fun and family time. It was great to see everyone and I'm sure everyone enjoyed the opportunity to meet the lil man. Luckily he got through his super fussy phase just before the festivities and was a relatively good baby - enjoying all of the love and attention he received.
This month was also a big deal for Miss Raegan as we took her to see Disney on Ice. This year was much more exciting because she was a bit older and definitely into all of the princess stuff and since the theme was all princess, we just had to take her! As with the first time we took her she was a bit overwhelmed at first, but quickly warmed up and sang along to all the songs she knew and was mesmerized by all of the theatrics. It was a great treat and we're sure she enjoyed it immensely!
Valentine's day was also a fun activity this year. It's great to have traditions and to watch Raegan enjoy them more and more each year as she gets older. This year was pretty neat because she was able to write out her own valentine cards. She practices writing a lot at school, so it's fun to see the results at home. Although, writing 13 valentine cards was a bit much for her, so I did have to help a bit!
And because of the awesome winter weather, we finally were able to get up to Tahoe and enjoy the snow! Better yet, Uncle Frankie came to town and we made a big trip of it. The first day however there was a big storm and we thought we weren't going to be able to make the trip. Luckily the roads cleared up and were were able to go the next day. We all didn't want to risk driving in a storm, especially rookie snow people like me and Hayden! Raegan LOVED the snow and was able to play right by the hotel. There was the perfect amount of snow for her age to sled and build snowmen. It was so great! And for me the weather was perfect - not too cold and definitely bearable. We are eager to go back again!!
These months are flying by and soon enough I'll be back at work :( I'm not looking forward to it too much and certainly enjoying my time with our new lil man.
Enjoy this month's photos and videos!!
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